Grow more food locally
Shop local
Generate micro electricity locally
Increase energy efficiency in our buildings
Reduce transport CO2 emissions locally
Grow more food locally
Shop local
Generate micro electricity locally
Increase energy efficiency in our buildings
Reduce transport CO2 emissions locally
Grow more food locally
Shop local
Generate micro electricity locally
Increase energy efficiency in our buildings
Reduce transport CO2 emissions locally
Grow more food locally
Shop local
Generate micro electricity locally
Increase energy efficiency in our buildings
Reduce transport CO2 emissions locally
Our action and interest groups address these goals and have developed action plans.
One of ADAPT's guiding principles is collaboration to avoid duplication and competition; another is networking to share knowledge and experience and avoid reinventing the wheel.
ADAPT's current constitution was adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 7 December 2016.
When engaging with the public, ADAPT's Action & Interest Groups are guided by the following policies:
Safeguarding Child Protection Policy Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy